On Saturday February/23/2013 was a very exciting Saturday, I arrived around the same time I always do that's about 8a.m. This day marks the day when the leagues 2 best team will play each other so Eric and I expected a crowd. This game was going to be fierce, so I set up more bleachers around the indoor soccer area that was being used. The stat book was ready, scoreboard was also working just fine. The games that were to be played on this day were from 9a.m. to 1p.m. but the game that was the most intriguing was the game at 10a.m. The 2 teams that were going head to head were former alumni's from Tiffin University soccer and Heidleberg University. I was informed this is who played in the championship last year so there would be bad blood. I was ready to enforce the rules if anything got out of hand. But to my surprise everything went smoothly. Great Soccer was played that day it got very competitive during this game. Dragons end up winning this game close the whole game. But after the todays game I had had to transition into basket because they would be starting around 4p.m. (5hrs)

Sunday Feb/24/2013 Men's basketball was scheduled to play like any other Sunday I prepared about a hour prior. I swept the floor because a lot of the men were sliding in last week games. After sweeping I set up chairs for home and away teams. Bleachers were set up for the fans, stats book was prepared by me because by know I know exactly who is playing and what players play for what team because of prior games. (3hrs) 

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     the technic of Progam director skills.
    *  experience in athletic activities 
    * Ability to  supervise programs make scheduling assignments
    *Ability to maintain  athletic facilities
     * Ability to accept  guidance and supervision
    *Plan and coordinate special athletic events

    PictureA Program Director manages everything behind the scene to make sure events and programs go as planed.

    Internship Journal 1/19/2013-4/27/2013
